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Accreditation Supporting Documents

Here you can find the supporting documents to help you achieve your award status.

Welcome Pack:

The Welcome Pack is a step-by-step guide of how to become a Wellbeing at Work Accredited Employer. It gives you an introduction of:

Participation Pledge:

Your organisation will be asked to sign our Participation Pledge, to demonstrate your commitment to the programme. It details what you can expect from the programme, and what we ask from you.

Criteria Handbooks:

The Criteria Handbooks walk you through each criteria in the Wellbeing at Work Awards. They cover the full list of criteria for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards available for workplaces with over 50 employees, and for the Small Business Awards for workplaces with 2-49 employees. The Handbooks also bring ideas and useful resources to help you implement each criteria in your workplace, and examples of evidence you may want to provide, once the criteria has been completed.

If you are undertaking Commitment Award, see the Commitment Award Criteria Handbook.

Small Business Awards:

You can see the full list of criteria for the Small Business Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards here.

Medium and Large Business Awards:

You can see the full list of criteria for the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards here.

Health Needs Assessment (Employee Survey):

Undertaking workplace health assessments, or employee surveys, within your organisation is an important task. It ensures that your employee’s voices are heard and helps you understand more about your workforce. It also helps you measure the impact of any health and wellbeing improvements you are making. That’s why the workplace health survey or assessment is a mandatory criteria at each award level of the accreditation programme.

We have pulled together these supporting documents to help you accomplish this task:

Assessment Sheets:

Assessment sheets are used to assess employers’ evidence portfolios. They break down each criteria, and will help you identify the main elements that need to be evidenced in order to meet the criteria.

If you have any questions about any of these supporting documents, please contact

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