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Wellbeing at Work Programme

The Wellbeing at Work Programme aims to provide support to East Sussex employers with improving employee health and wellbeing in their workplace.

The programme:

  • Offers workplace health resources, training, events and a signposting service to those working in East Sussex.
  • Operates a free Accreditation Scheme for East Sussex employers, providing a framework to improve employee health and wellbeing, whilst rewarding organisations who are actively working to do so.
  • Is free to all organisations with more than one employee based in East Sussex (excluding Brighton and Hove)
  • Is funded and delivered by Public Health at East Sussex County Council.
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Join us and make a difference

East Sussex Wellbeing at Work is an accreditation programme which provides a free framework for employers to improve wellbeing in the workplace 

Register today to join the programme

The Wellbeing at Work programme “has allowed members of our staff to access training to increase their knowledge and to cascade this throughout the organisation. Further, the structure of the programme has provided focus for our wellbeing initiatives”

Nicola Harding , Dawson Hart Solicitors Limited, Small Business Silver Award

Why is wellbeing at work important?

We spend a huge proportion of our time at work, therefore employers play a key role in contributing to the health of the workforce, and in turn the health of the organisation itself. Improving the mental and physical wellbeing in your workplace is more important than you may think.

  • The top 3 causes of long-term employee absence are preventable. These are: mental ill health, musculoskeletal conditions and work-related stress.
  • In recent years 41% of employees experienced poor mental health caused by work.
  • In the UK, 14.3 million days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in 2019 alone.
  • Aches and pains accounted for 28.2 million of days lost. This is 17.7% of all sickness absences.

46% of employers still lack a formal strategy or approach to wellbeing and tend to act on an ad hoc basis. But having a productive and healthy workforce should be the aim of every organisation, especially as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic which has had such a huge impact on business and the wellbeing of employees.

Public Health England, Health Matters

Why should my organisation get involved?

Investing in employee wellbeing through an awards scheme can improve employee morale, motivation and productivity, and also reduce absenteeism, turnover and the associated costs.

Employers who take an active role in improving and promoting employee wellbeing, could:

  • Be recognised for their efforts
  • Save between £130 and £5,020 per employee (NICE guidance)
  • Retain employees and reduce turnover: your staff will feel better valued within your organisation and will be more likely to stay working for you
  • Increase productivity: happier, healthier and more engaged workforce will work more efficiently together, which allows your organisation to thrive
  • Aid recruitment
  • Access to free training opportunities

East Sussex Wellbeing at Work is an accreditation programme which provides a free framework for employers to improve wellbeing in the workplace. There are awards available for all types of organisations: find out how to Get Accredited now.

By placing your employees’ health and wellbeing as a priority will help cement your reputation as a top employer, facilitating the recruitment and retention of talent.

the 7 benefits of joining well being at work


Any organisation based in East Sussex (excluding Brighton and Hove) with at least one employee is eligible to join the programme, free of charge. We welcome businesses of any size or industry to join.

How to get involved

To take part in the accreditation programme and receive an East Sussex Wellbeing at Work award register now. You can learn more about the awards available and how the accreditation scheme works by visiting Get Accredited.

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