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Alcohol Awareness Week 1 to 7 July 2024 1 July 2024

Alcohol Awareness Week: Understanding Alcohol Harm

Alcohol Awareness Week is an opportunity to reflect on our drinking habits and take time to understand the harms from drinking alcohol at risky levels. For those of you reading this blog, we hope you can begin to discuss issues of alcohol in your environment and make changes. “I need to lose a stone. I […]

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Wellbeing at Work logo 21 March 2024

Wellbeing at Work: Year 2 Evaluation Summary (2022 – 2023)

The Wellbeing at Work programme enters year three of delivery, how time flies! Since the launch of the programme in 2021, there have been 139 East Sussex employers register their interest. 64 of those have seen their achievements recognised with an award: Commitment – 24, Bronze – 30, Silver 8, Gold 2. A big congratulations […]

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A group of people holding their trophies on stage 22 February 2024

Celebrating the first Gold Awards!

Organisations across East Sussex have been recognised for their commitment to healthier workforces at the 2024 Wellbeing at Work Awards Ceremony and Conference. The event took place at the Welcome Building in Eastbourne on 8th February. Over 120 people joined us and Public Health Consultant Rachel Scantlebury to celebrate the achievements of all employers taking […]

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Thoughtful man 8 September 2023

Male wellbeing – why bother?

Blog post written in partnership with Dr. Roger Prentis at RDP International  “It’s nothing – I can sort it” “I don’t want to appear weak” “It’ll go away” “I don’t want to make a fuss” “I don’t want to admit that I need support” Recognise any of the above?  They are typical views of many […]

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A group ofpeople gathering around a woman looking at her mobile phone 30 June 2023

More than 1 in 10 employees are affected by gambling harms in the UK

Blog written in collaboration with Katy Wilson at Betknowmore. This worrying statistic from UKHSA (formerly Public Health England) suggests that even the smallest company may have at least one member of their team who is affected by gambling harms, either directly or as an ‘affected other’. Whilst historically, gambling was confined primarily to land-based activities, […]

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A woman looking after and eating with another woman with Down Syndrome. 2 June 2023

Supporting Employees with Caring Responsibilities in the Workplace

Blog written in partnership with Cally Emmerson at Care for the Carers East Sussex   There are over 5 million carers in the UK, with one in seven carers juggling work and care. As an employer, this means it’s highly likely that one or more of your staff members are carers. That means they care […]

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Bowel cancer screening campaign image 25 April 2023

Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Every year, nearly 130,000 people of working age are diagnosed with cancer in the UK. Let’s face it, most people know someone who has been affected by cancer or have sadly experienced cancer themselves. 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. While survival rates have doubled since the 1970’s, sadly […]

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A conference room with round tables. 7 March 2023

The first annual Wellbeing at Work event!

East Sussex employers committed to developing healthier and happier workforces have been celebrated at our first annual Wellbeing at Work Conference and Awards event last month at the Welcome Building in Eastbourne. The East Sussex Wellbeing at Work Programme works with employers to share resources and deliver training, as well as providing an accreditation scheme which […]

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Desks in an office with plant pots 29 November 2022

Workplace Environments – The importance of investing in them

Blog written in partnership with Beverley Bayliss, Healthy Places Specialist in Public Health & Planning at East Sussex County Council Health is described as ‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity1. Health and wellbeing can be seen as the result of complex interactions between […]

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A group of people sitting in circle in a woodland area 1 November 2022

Grow’s Nature and Wellness Days – a case study

Blog in collaboration with Julie Wright at Grow Nature has a unique ability to not only bring grounding in stressful times, but also increase our creativity and a sense of wonder and appreciation for what is available to us. This has been backed up by recent research conducted by the Mental Health Foundation, which identified that going […]

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